Friday, 27 July 2012

Limbu Culture Dance

Chabrung also known as Ke -Lang is a dance performed by both men and women during religious ceremonies and marriages. Ke - Lang dance is not an ordinary dance as it takes time to perfect every steps. Every dance is related to nature and has it's own meaning. Like a movie with a story, that's awesome, huh?You can find various dance .e.g. Dukur naach (Dove dance), Parewa naach (Pigeon dance), etc.

Below is the image, showing men and women wearing traditional dress for their performance.

Nepali Mela 2010 - Runner Up
KYC - UK - Winner 2012
Folkestone Chabrung Group - Winner 2011
Folkestone Chabrung Group 2011 - Cultural Show - Charity
KYC - UK 2012 - Folkestone Group, Winner

Pragyan Limbu

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Interpretation of Nepal's Flag

Question Time! How many of you know the meaning of Nepal's Flag. Many of us are proud that we are from Nepal and we carry Nepalese Pride. No offence, but some of us don't exactly know the meaning of our very own country's FLAG or might have forgotten as you had learned at school ages ago.

Anyway, if not know, I have tried to briefly explain them. "I hope I am right as well".

To start off, Nepal's flag is the only flag that is not rectangular or square but a combination of two pennons. It was officially adopted on 16th December 1962, and it's the only national flag with a unique shape that stands out from rest of the countries.
  • The 'blue' border symbolises peace and harmony.
  • The 'red' colour is the colour of our Nepal's official flower .i.e. Rhododendron. The colour also indicates the spirit and bravery of Nepalese people.
  • The crescent 'moon' represents the Royal house and also the cool weather of the Himalayas.
  • The 'sun' represents the Rana family, or the heat and high temperature at the lower part of tarai, Nepal.

Some says another interpretation of the flag shape is that it symbolizes a Nepalese pagoda (put a mirror at the side of the flag closest to the flagpole will generate an image of pagoda).
I hope this briefly explained words has helped you to gain some knowledge of our country's Flag meaning.

Thank you
Pragyan Limbu

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Limbu Conversation

खेने केमिड़  थे  बे ? = तिम्रो नाम के हो ?
आङ्गा आमिङ काङ्सोर = मेरो नाम काङ्सोर हो ।
खुने कुमिङ थे बे ? = उस्को नाम के हो ।
खुने कुमिङ लाल्सोर रो । = उस्को नाम लाल्सोर हो ।

पानथुम (कुराकानी):-

खेने केहीम आत्तिबे ? = तपाईंको घर कता हो ?
आहिम आठराइ ,तेरह्थुम रो = मेरो घर आठराइ ,तेरह्थुम हो।
खेने केसङ थे बे? = तपाईंको थर के हो?
आङगा आसङ फोम्बो रो = मेरो थर फोम्बो हो।
आल्ल सेन्दिरो = अब छुटौ है ।
ओकनु, सेन्दिना । = हुन्छ नि छुटौ न।
खेने युङे आङगा पेगाङ्लो = तिमी बस म हिंडे है।
ल ल तान्दिक तुम्सिरो = ल ल भोली (हामी दुई) भेटौ है।
ल ल तान्दिक तुम्मिरो = ल ल भोली (हामी) भेटौँला।

शब्दार्थहरु :-

आङगा = म
आनी = हामी
हेने/खेने = तिमी,तपाई
हुने/खुने = उ
हेन/खेन = त्यो
आन्छी,आन्छिगे = हामी दुई
हेन्छी/खेन्छी = तिमी, तपाईं दुई
हुन्छी/खुन्छी = उनी दुई
हेन्छी/खेन्छी = ति दुई ,तिनी दुई
आनिगे = हामीहरु
हेनी/खेनी = तिमीहरु, तपाईंहरु
हुनी/खुनी = उनिहरु
कन्हा = यिनिहरु
हेन्हा/खेन्हा = तिनिहरु
शब्दार्थहरु :-
मिङ = नाम हिम = घर
सङ =थर आत्ति/आत्तो = कता, कहा
सेन्दी = छुटौ ओकनु = हुन्छ नि
तान्दिक =भोलि तुम्सी = भेटौ ( हामि दुई )
तुमी = भेटौ (हामि) पेगाङ्लो = गए है (म)
लिम्बु भाषामा नामको अगाडी ''आ'' लगाउदा ''मेरो'' भन्ने हुन्छ, ''के'' लगाउदा ''तिम्रो'' हुन्छ अनि ''कु'' लगाउदा ''उसको'' भन्ने बुझिन्छ !
आमिङ = मेरो नाम
केमिङ = तिम्रो नाम
कुमिङ = उसको नाम
आहिम = मेरो घर
केहीम = तिम्रो घर
कुहीम = उसको घर
मिङ = नाम
हिम = घर
सङ =थर
आत्ति/आत्तो = कता, कहा
सेन्दी = छुटौ
ओकनु = हुन्छ नि
तान्दिक =भोलि
तुम्सी = भेटौ ( हामि दुई )
तुमी = भेटौ (हामि)
पेगाङ्लो = गए है

A सेवारो आलुङे !
B सेवारो । आत्तो केधासिङ्बे ? ( कता हिड्यौ नि ? )
A निसाम हिम पेक्का ल आ बा । (स्कूल जाउ भनेको ? )
B हेक्याङ , निसाम हिम थ्याङ के बेक पा बे ? ( अनी किन स्कूल जान लागेको )
A साप्ला निच्छे पेक्काबा । ( (किताब) पढ्न जाने )
A कप्मु निसाम हिम आत्तो नि ने ग ? (यहाँ स्कूल कता पो छ ?)
B ना बरबोटे कान्छा रे कुहिम्ले कुदगाङ् ने । ( पर बरबोटे कान्छाको घर अगाडि छ )
B आल्ल पेक्मा केसुक्तुई , केन्छूक्तुन्नी ? ( अब जान सक्छौ कि सक्तैनौ ?)
A आल्ल पेक्मा सुक्तुङइया । ( अब जान सक्छु होला कि )
A खेने युङे आङ्गा पेक्का रो । ( तिमी बस म हिंडे है )
B ल ल याम्मो तुम्सिरो । ( ल ल फेरी भेटौ है )


थासिङमा = कतै हिंड्नु (यात्रामा ), बाटो लाग्नु
केधासिङ = हिड्यौ (जान लाग्नु )
पेक्मा = जानु
के बेक्पा = (तिमी) जाने
निसाम हिम = स्कूल
कप्मो/ कप्मु = यहाँ ,
ना = पर
साप्ला = किताब , कागज
निप्मा = पढ्नु, गन्नु
निच्छे = पढ्नलाई
तगाङ् = अगाडि, सामुन्ने, अघिल्तिर
कुदगाङ्= उस्को/ त्यस्को अगाडि
ने = छ
ने ग = छ त
सुकमा = सकनु, सामर्थ हुनु, सक्षम हुनु
के सुकतुई = (तिमी) सकछौ के
केन्छुकतुन्नी = (तिमी) सत्तैनौ (होला कि )
सुकतुङ = (म ) सकछु
ई = जिज्ञासा वा आश्चार्यको भाव ब्यक्त गर्न आउने शब्द 'की' 'नी' 'है' आदी
ईया = कि है
सुकतुङईया = सक्छु होला कि
याम्मो , याम्मु = फेरी

Pragyan Limbu

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Yakthung Costume

Just a few words about "Yakthung" dress. Yakthung also know as limbu is a tribe which belong to the kiranti nation. They are indigenous to hills and mountainous regions of Nepal. Some are scattered throughout the cities of Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Sikkim. Limbu's are rich in culture and even have their own language and script. 

History is crucial to know but right now who wants to know the history, right? Even i am feeling bored writing about it. Oopss!! Anyway let's describe the images below, the jewellery worn by gorgeous Limbu women. 

Limbu women traditionally wear sim (long material below waist) with a cholo (a blouse) which is made of dhaka. Phaee (cloth) wrapped around the waist to tie the sim, and can be found in different colour. They love wearing large gold and silver jewellery as you can see below. Different kinds of jewellery are worn on different occasions, ceremonies and festivals. You can still see in villages that old women still wears them with pride. Limbu women always looked elegant and created a unique identity all over the world.
The jewellery worn above is called Chandrahaar, Namloi or Yogakpa (limbu term for silver necklace) and Phangsese or Kantha is made of gold beads and glass beads. There are other jewellery such as Reji (ancient silver coin necklace) and Swageop (gold ring).

In the picture above is a silver bangles which is called lambangii. and silver kalli is worn at their ankles, which is really big. Believe me you will be shocked to see.   

Now, this is the one where most of the foreign people are fascinated and interested. I will try to describe what those ornaments are called. 
Nesse - a large flat designed gold earrings.
Gold mundri - nose ring.
Dhungri - nose stud which is designed as a fish.
Labaphung - crescent shaped gold ornament worn as a hair clip.

Those ornament worn by women above are only few, you can also find Sisiphung or Nekkhophung (flower shaped gold earrings) and Laskari in their ears, where women peirce their ears 5 to 6 times and wears a small ear stud.

I have got nothing to say now, anyway I hope you have found them interesting. 

Pragyan Mudensong Samba